Sunday, April 01, 2007

Alcohol Study

Right now I am in the alcohol studies lab at USM. They are testing to see if there is a genetic component to how alcohol effects your motor skills. I am in a little room with two computers, two chairs, and blank walls. There is another person in a similar room and a grad student giving the tests. We will be playing against each other to see who has the faster reaction time in computer games. So far I have peed in a cup, taken psych battery tests, and started to drink spiked OJ. They don't tell us how much we are getting, but I'd imagine I have a shot of alcohol in there. I've been given permission to goof around on the computer while I drink, so here we are.

In other news, I went to a conference yesterday for the Mississippi Student Nurse Association. There were five keynote speakers (four were interesting, one was useful) and recruiters from several Mississippi hospitals. I can't remember the word for the trinkets they give out, but I got lots of those. I'm such a sucker for that stuff. I still have all of the pamphlets and goodies from Episcopal General Convention last summer that I swear I'm going to read 'one of these days.'

I visited with Mamaw and my mom's parents whom I refer to as Dranmomma and Roy C. It was great to see them all.

There is a chance that I will be going to California for the National Student Nurse Association Conference in a week. I'll post more about that later. Until then, bottoms up!


Peggy said...

Be careful if you go to California. There is very little culture there and they only just barely understand irony. I used to live there. Nice weather, good beaches and plenty of health food.

Eryn said...

Turns out I am not going to California. It was too late of a notice and I have too many other thinsg going on.

And I agree with the sentiment that a people who do not understand irony are not worth visiting.

Bonus- The southern definition of irony: How a shirt looks after you have starched and pressed it. ;)