Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Ok. So here it is. I read some fascinating blogs. They have funny stories about crazy things that happen, witty insight into such academic endeavors as el ping de pong, and all sorts of clever goodness. I thought that if I made a separate blog to only write reeeaaaaaaally witty things, I would be more inclined to do so. Silly me. If I'm going to be funny (ha ha or har har, hmm...), I will be funny here.
So yeah. I'm dropping the second blog. What silly person needs TWO blogs on which to spatter her ramblings in hopes of anonymous notoriety. Silly, silly, silly...
It will still exist-and even has a post- but that's as far as it will go.

Oh, and one other thing: Mad, where've you gone? I miss my DC buddy.