Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sick of it.

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I just want to say that I am so damn sick of having to explain myself. "Well, I thought you weren't going to do that." "Why would you think that?" "What are you doing?" Blah dee fucking blah (pardon my language, family). I just, just!! AAAH!
If I say that "This is how it's going to be," or "I just don't want to do that," then that is how it is going to be. I have my reasons. This isn't just about big stuff either. It's about the little things. It's none of your business why I do something unless I TELL you why I do something.

Now. I'm off to a wedding.


Anonymous said...

Hi nursewholvdme

I hope you enjoyed the wedding.
And you shouldn't explain why you are doing this or that... it's your life.

I really enjoyed your blog and your art gallery is really good.


Eryn said...

Hi LA. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like my photos.
As you can see, I enjoyed the wedding very much. Thank you.
As for the rant, it wasn't anything major that set me off and all is well. I just needed to blow off some steam.
Good luck with your work visa!