Thursday, October 26, 2006

love is priceless

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I was looking at pictures on Dove's Campaign for Beauty website when I came across this photo. I glanced at it, noted that I liked it and moved on. Then I went back. I realized that the photo was beautiful. It represents what I can't seem to get my hands on.
I imagine that this couple is in love without regards to success, failures, or even things that are pending. They are together. There was no waiting for the promotion before they chose each other, no successful goals that had to be met before they could love each other. They. Just. Love. Each. Other.
The photo was taken in 1991. I think that it shows a huge change in society today, in my generation. You don't see this anymore. Happy couples only live in 4 bedroom houses with groomed lawns. There is so much pressure to BE SUCCESSFUL that we don't even see what true success is. It takes a hell of a lot more to make a relationship work than it does to ace an interview and attend all the right meetings.
I used to have hope that my generation would be the one that stopped all this divorce madness. I'm starting to realize just how nieve that goal was.
My point is, that is a beautiful picture. One that we should all strive for. One that I think I am going to strive for. A career only last thirty-odd years. I plan on my marriage lasting a lifetime. And I don't plan on waiting until all my other ducks are in a row (because they will never be) before I consider love.


Anonymous said...

Wow. You said it all right there. Thanks for that.

Eryn said...

Hi Nicole. You're very welcome. Thanks for stopping by.