Saturday, December 09, 2006

Random Health Facts

I've been in the nursing program for four and a half months now and I don't thing I've made one single post about the things I've learned; which was my intention when I created nursewholvdme. So, without further ado I present:

Cool Facts I've Learned in Nursing School

  • Ibuprofen is a very good anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic (fever-reducer). It works by blocking prostaglandins and is a great prophylactic treatment of menstrual cramps.
  • Tylenol has no anti-inflammatory powers and is relatively ineffective for relief of aches and pains for this reason. Arthritis strength Tylenol does nothing to relieve the cause of arthritic pain (inflammation).
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and psoriasis are all auto-immune diseases where the body's own immune system attacks cells of Self.
  • Eczema is simply a chronic allergy condition. Find out what the allergy is to (my brother's was nickel) and relieve the allergy.
  • Zinc helps considerably with wound healing.
  • Asparagus is one of the most nutritious vegetables common in American diet.
  • Vitamins C and E are antioxidants.
  • Natural Killer Cells (NKC's) are cancer-eating cells found in the human body.
  • Cigarette smoke changes the cells in the respiratory tract so that they no longer have cilia hairs to push out phlegm. They become tough and misshapen, making them susceptible to cancer.
  • The reason many alcoholics are overweight is due to edema because of chronic liver failure. In reality, most alcoholics are malnourished.