Monday, November 20, 2006

Turkey and Teeth

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

This is my favorite holiday of the year. Good food, no stress about gifts, and fun times with the family. I can't wait for the day when I can have Thanksgiving in my own home. I'm going to have Everyone. Aunts, uncles, mom, dad, steps, all of them from all sides. And they're all going to get along. How is that possible, you ask? Because this is MY fantasy, that's how!

I'm having minor oral surgery tomorrow. Dad is coming down to babysit me in my drug-induced haze. I just hope that my mouth is healed up enough to eat my weight in turkey on Thursday. Man! I love Turkey Day. :-D

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hee hee.


Mad Cabbie said...

I hope your mouth will be ready for T-Day, I love Thanksgiving as well and this year all my four siblings and their kids are going to make it at my parents house and I come from a family of loud mouths and full of laughs, it's going to be a blast!

Eryn said...

I get to enjoy my turkey after all! The appt has been postponed until after I meet with the orthodontist. I'm getting braces (you wouldn't believe how excited I am).
I hope you have a blast with your family. I can almost hear the chatter. :)