Sunday, November 19, 2006


My grandmother turns 33 tomorrow, according to her anyways.

She and my grandfather will always be my example for how to have a healthy marriage. Their love never died, and they showed me that it IS possible to have a successful marriage. I spent hours asking them about their relationship, how they met, any advice they had- anything that could help me achieve what they have.

My grandfather died almost two years ago and Mamaw moved to a retirement community not long after that. When Papaw died, I became much closer to Mamaw than I had ever been. I learned to see what a strong, intelligent woman she is.

I now talk to her more than anyone else in my family. She is my rock. She also has a wicked sense of humor and a love for her family that I've never seen exhibited in anyone else I know.

It's things great and small that make Mamaw so wonderful. For instance, I called her a little while ago to chat. She kept interrupting our conversation to tell me how the Saints were doing. She told me that they had gotten a first down, but they were behind. She read me the score and then told me how 'one of the other ones is being taken off the feild; maybe we can win now.' For an 86 year old woman, she's a sharp as a tack.

I could gush and gush about how much I love my Mamaw, but I guess I'll just leave it at that.

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