Friday, November 03, 2006

back off, little man!

I just had a first. I got asked out on a date on myspace. Ick. That's worse than the aroma coming from the litter box right now.
I'm not good at telling people "Hell no, I won't go to lunch with you, you strange little man." Especially when it's not face to face. It's much less abrasive, I think, when I let my body language give the F. off vibe. Don't you agree? Oy ve.
To anybody that reads this, I need advice on how to tactfully turn people away. And telling people I'm in a relationship doesn't do the trick because no one in this awful town respects long distance relationships. Help.


Anonymous said...

You have answered your own question! If you address a guy with the word "little" attached to it, the chances are you will never hear from that dude again!

Eryn said...

Hee hee. Yeah, but that's not nice. Too small of a town to be a bitch and get away with it. Or trust me, this would not be an issue.

Anonymous said...

don't be ugly just say no.

Eryn said...

::waves:: Hey Momma.