Sunday, June 24, 2007

Just call me Bubbles

Remember the 'phone in the disposal' incident? Or maybe the 'glasses in the dishwasher' story? Well, third time's a charm when it comes to my crazy run-ins with ordinary kitchen appliances.

I had moved just about everything out of the apartment except for the second-string cleaning supplies from deep under the sink. It came time to run that last load of dishes that had been in the sink for, well... a while. Anyways, ahem...

So I finally used that off-brand mail-order 'dish detergent' that someone had given me in ancient times. I always kept it around as a back-up in case I ran out of the real stuff. Even though it said 'extra concentrated' I put I good helping in the dishwasher. I then left to run some errands while the machine ran. Luckily I went back in to grab something because it didn't take long for the LAUNDRY DETERGENT to suds up and flow onto the floor. Go. Me.