Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Oh goodness. So much has happened. Last Monday Courtney called me and told me that roommate that was supposed to be here for the summer up and left over the weekend with nothing but a note on the counter. Courtney IM'd me around one, by five o'clock I had all of my furniture at the new place. By the next day I had most clothes, books, and things over here. The roommates are fantastic, the house is superb, and the six foot wide window looking out over the backyard gives me all the sunshine my little heart could desire.

Wednesday we 'picked up' our patients for Thursday clinical. We went to the hospital at three, dug through the charts, gleaned information and the five of us in my rotation came back to my house and worked on our clinical paperwork. I was up until 2:00 looking up drugs, analyzing lab reports, writing a careplan, and eating pizza (very important part of the process). Going through the chart was fascinating. I got to see how lab reports will correlate with each other and how they can be used to diagnose. I got to see very clearly the effects of lifestyle on one's health as aging occurs. Cool stuff.
The next morning we were at the hospital at 6:30 for pre-conference where the professor picks over our work and asks all about the information we found. By 8:30 we were on the floor. Three of us had one patient. He was the nicest, most patient, most easy-going man I could ever imagine being in a hospital. It was such a joy to work with such a pleasant patient on my first clinical. My classmates and I worked very well together and got things done quickly, effectively and with little fuss. The whole experience was very calm and will be one that I rely on to get me through the rough days that I am sure to come with clinicals.


Wesley came to visit me. We had a very busy but simply wonderful weekend. We went to a wedding on Saturday. It was a very nice wedding in a beautiful church but it did offer us a chance to notice some things that we don't want to happen at our wedding (oh, did I just say that?). For one, there was a very harsh woman with a clipboard standing at the church door directing people on when they should walk down the aisle. It was extremely unattractive. Then there was the industrial strength camera crew and the photographer with the clicky-noise turned on. Eesh. But when you are busy coordinating flowers to dresses to tuxes to hair styles to ring cushions to church colors I guess there will be little things that slip through the cracks. I just hope that my wedding will be personal and not look like something out of a catalog. And I plan on having a bang-up reception.
Sunday we went down to the coast and visited Wesley's dad and stepmom for Father's Day. We went to church with them and then had yummy po-boy's for lunch. I simply love this couple and always enjoy visiting with them. After that we stopped by Wesley's mom for a quick hello and then came home to start the barbecue. My dad and my brother came down and Wesley cooked some crazy-good steaks for all of us. The roommates were here too. I love having a full house and having the three main men of my life together. There were several times during the night when I just stepped back and watched for a second and let the happiness wash over me.

I've had a very blessed week and I hope you all have as well.


Mad Cabbie said...

It's four main men of your life Eryn, don't forget uncle Mad otherwise I am not coming for your graduation!

Eryn said...

AAAAAAAAAWWW. You would come listen to two hours of names from a list and a conservative republican politician giving a commencement speech just for me?? You're the best Mad. ;-)