Friday, June 08, 2007


Wesley is coming to visit me in a week. It is so sweet of him to take time off from work and drive down here just to see me for a few days. We are going to go to a wedding of a high school friend of his while he is here. It will be our first wedding to attend together. The thing I am most looking forward to is dancing at the reception. I love to dance but it's not really Wesley's favorite thing.

It's when he does little things like dance with me or let me cook squash that I know he really loves me. I hope that he knows how much I love him. We've been together for so long now, I don't think there is anything or anyone that could destroy our love for each other. It's a wonderful comfort to know that we have a hardy connection and fondness for each other that will keep us going long after other relationships die away.

Another thing I love about our relationship is that we enjoy doing so many of the same things. We have the best times hiking, doing photography, reading to each other, cooking for each other, and simply being together. It has been a joy to grow together and learn so many amazing things about Wesley over the past four years. I truly believe that we have something special and I'm a lucky girl. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I LOVE YOU WESLEY AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!! XO!


Becky said...

Awww, shmoopies!!! :)

Have a great visit! True love means having the ability to say, "Honey, we're having squash for dinner tonight. And you're going to like it." (I just did that with sweet potatoes last night. hahaha)