Thursday, August 10, 2006


It's late and even though I criss-crossed all over downtown today, I can't sleep. I've been having not-so-fun dreams the past couple of nights and I guess it has me a little apprehensive.

So in leiu of a trip to Nod I am writing this and uploading pictures on to my new website, . Thanks to my very thoughtful boyfriend, I have entered the world of ubergeekdom. If anything can cure insomnia, web design can; I assure you.

Let me back up and tell my adventures, starting with the dinner party last night.

Wesley and I cooked for ourselves, two other couples, and Jason. It was my first time meeting three of the seven people there and the two couples did not know each other either. It all went very well; food was good, fellowship was great. Then came time to do the dishes.

Crunch. We all heard it when Wesley ran the disposal. It was considered unnatural, but before anyone gave it any real thought the conversation resumed. After a while I got up to clean the mashed potato pot. I looked down into the disposal and saw a red light.

I thought "How cool. Their disposal has a light in it so you can see if you dropped anything into it." I looked a little closer and announced to everyone the astute observation that "There is something inorganic in here." Everyone immediately rushes over to see what is going on. Just at that time I pull out the mangled front cover of my phone. It was so pitiful looking that I had to laugh. Next I pulled out the body of the phone. The red light was still on and the think was vibrating. It was like a dying animal having seizures. Just pitiful.

So after the hooplah dies down, I order a new phone and the rest of the night goes smoothly. Hooray for morbid experiences with technology. Heh.

Today I went downtown and took pictures. I met very friendly people and got some pictures I like, many that I don't. This is partly because I forgot to take water and half way through the afternoon my hands started shaking and I was too distracted to really focus on what I was doing. Not that I was going for super-mega artsy photos anyways, but I wish I had spent a little more time on some of the shots. You can see them at

It's late. I hope this post makes sense.