Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Once a month, I play what feels like emotional roulette. I never know exactly what tricks the ovaries are going to play on my mood and energy levels. Sometimes, more often then I care to admit, my mood jumps from highs to lows so intensely and so frequently that it leaves me exhausted, strung-out, and dizzy by the end of a few days. I'm God-awful to be around one minute and the coolest, cleverest, kindest Eryn you'll ever see in the next minute. I may spend all morning being hella productive and all afternoon lying in bed with a pillow over my head. I've been accused more than once of being bipolar while I was PMSing. By the way, that doesn't do Anyone any good.

And sometimes, I am the other cliche. I lie in bed all day dreaming about chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream but not having the energy or initiative to go get it out of the fridge. Given the chance I spend 24 hours waning in and out of consciousness and moping. It's quite a sight I assure you.

Today was one of those days until I finally forced myself into a cold shower around 3:00. I actually felt much better after that and plan on keeping it in my arsenal. The PMS had one last trick up it's sleeve though. I got all choked up and misty-eyed tonight while watching TV. Was it Lassie? No. Home Makeover? No. A Baby Story of some other Lifetime Special? God no. Are you ready? I was watching American Idol. When they showed Jordin's visit home and all of her fans being mushy, I just about lost it. There was nothing particularly moving about it. I'm not that attached to any of the Idols. I just got all soggy-eyed because Jordin got all soggy-eyed. Silly ovaries. Sometimes being a girl is just ridiculous.


Peggy said...

Ovaries are such pesky things!

I cry over American Idol too, but for different reasons.

Eryn said...

Heh, I know what you mean Peggy. This is my first season to get sucked in (and my last) and sometimes it was just downright painful.

Eugene Salomon said...

I don't know, Eryn, I lost it, too, and I don't think I was PMSing. Hell, I better not have been PMSing.

Becky said...

That's nothing. When I was in the 7th grade (and getting those fun hormonal surges for the first time), I was babysitting for my neighbors. A Garfield cartoon special was on, and I couldn't stop crying because he was mean to Odie.

Yeah, I never got called back to babysit those kids...

Eryn said...

Glad to know it wasn't just me G.S. Love your blog, btw.

Becky, I've learned that the people who don't call you back to babysit are usually the ones that are a pain in the ass to babysit for anyways. I mean, who doesn't cry when Garfeild is mean to Odie? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!