Tuesday, May 08, 2007

An explanation

It is a beautiful afternoon and I'm sitting outside at the local coffeeshop quasi-working on school work. I started out studying for my Dosages final that I have tomorrow and moved on to reading ahead for my Med-Surg I class next semester. Summer classes don't even start for another three weeks and I'm already diving head-first into it. Some would think that I'm just a really devoted student- which I am- but there's more too it.

Nursing is the stable thing in my life right now. My love is roughly 564 miles away, my family is well...anyways, my friends have the bad habit of moving off to bigger and better things, and my cats just aren't the conversationalists they should be. My life isn't bad, don't get me wrong. It's just that school gives me something to really focus on, and be distracted by. It's good to feel like I am accomplishing something. With each line of the highlighter the light at the end of this academic tunnel gets a little brighter. I know I bug my professors and my classmates probably thing I am a know-it-all little brat but I don't care. I'm not there for them, I am there for me. And you know what, I'm going to be one hell of a nurse. So if it takes a little solitude to get me there then so be it.