Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Foot in Mouth Disease

"Hey I remember you," I said.

Studying at the coffeehouse is a bit of a joke. Having books in front of you seems to make everyone, even quasi-strangers, flock to where you are sitting and want to chat. Nonetheless, I attempted to study for today's finals at one of the outdoor tables yesterday. It was too nice outside to resist.

"Yeah... I remember you. You were the guy who wouldn't do my tattoo. You told me 'Sorry, but I have to go home and [screw] my teenage girlfriend. She's a cheerleader and she gets antsy when I make her wait.' So I got my tattoo somewhere else."

Behind his tattoos and face jewelry he shrunk a little bit. He said "Yeah, I'm not really like that anymore. I don't date teenagers and [stuff] these days. But sorry I wouldn't do your tattoo for you."

The other people around the table had a little chuckle and the conversation moved on. No big deal. The guy went inside.

Then the girl sitting next to me quietly said "I'm his new girlfriend."



Becky said...


Peggy said...

Ooh! You never know when your bad behaviour is going to come back and haunt you! Good one!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great, Eryn. But at least you're not an asshole..

Eryn said...

Larry- glad I made you laugh. A good guffaw is good for the soul, right? :)

Peggy-So true! Only I was more embarassed than anyone.

Arjewtino- That's a riot, but I wonder if he used the 'I'm deaf' thing to get away with cheating. Guess I'm just cynical.