Friday, February 02, 2007

Was it good for you?

Don't be ashamed, my friends. I, too, had an iGasm when the new iPhone came out. I was taken in by the shiny touch-screen, the bold, child-like icons, and the ability to watch movies while I drive my car.

I decided before Monsieur Jobs was through with his litany, that I must have one of those glorious gadgets! I knew, in my soul of souls, that once I had the iPhone, people would just know that I was important and my life was SO busy that it took the genius of Apple to keep me organized, connected, and entertained.

Then I realized that the phone will probably weigh more than my stethoscope and I'll end up having to get it one of those silly gadget-condoms that protect it from scrapes and chips. That is a major loss of cool-points and I'm just not sure my fragile ego can handle that kind of damage.

For now, I will stick with my utilitarian Motorola flip-phone. It may not have bells and whistles, but it's got a ring tone and volume control. It keeps me in touch with my honey-pie and doesn't relent when I'm in elevators or subterranean vaults, on highways or under the covers. It always gives me what I need, the voice on the other end of the line. So what if I've got mail? I've got two computers that work just fine for that...for now.


Claire said...

The Japanese have a name for people who are mad about collecting every new gadget that comes along. It's a very cool thing to be. I forgot that name. It was on a computer show, shows what a geek I am, especially in my tv viewing. However, I'm not smart enough to learn how to use all those inventions. Nonetheless I can ooh and aah with the best of them. The point is you're staying connected. You go Girl!

Eryn said...

Whoo hoo! I think it's cool that I'm hip by Japanese standards (at least someone thinks I'm hip. Ha!).

BTW- I had comment moderation turned on for some reason and didn't see that you had written. It's all fixed now, and I appreciate your feedback. :)