Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Oh. My. God.

It's not fleas, it's worse. I have bedbugs. It seems I passed them on to Wesley's mom when I went to her house so I could 'de-flea' my apartment. She knew what to look for when she started having problems. Wesley told me tonight and I did some research online. I don't just have bedbugs, I'm completely and hopelessly infested. Once I knew what I was seeing, I almost vomited. It's late, I'm tired and I can't sleep. I feel like I have creepy-crawlies all over me. Somebody help me.


Mad Cabbie said...

It seems like the republican party took over your apartment Eryn! wave a $100 bill from outside your door and they will all be crawling out of your crib.

Claire said...

You may have to call an exterminator and they are not that much really. It's worth your sanity. The clothes dryer usually kills most bugs. You will have to wash all your bedclothes! Everything. Good luck.
Peace and hugs,

Eryn said...

Thanks for the well-wishes guys.
Mad, if I had a hundred dollars to wave, I would.
Things are stressful right now, but I do have good news that I will be sharing soon.

Peggy said...

Eryn, that's just awful!! I hope you got some big style bug killer. You checked your bed and the baseboards in your room, right? You can't be too careful with those little monsters. Bedbugs are the reason that iron beds were so popular way back when. Bugs can't hide on iron bed frames.

What's the latest update on those?