Friday, February 09, 2007

Proud Daughter

My mom and three other women held an art show last night at a neighborhood clubhouse in Jackson. It was her first time to show her work to the public. She has been painting like a mad-woman for the past several weeks and it paid off. She sold several paintings and got two commissions. I am so proud of her. It's wonderful to hear the happiness and excitement in her voice too.

Mom has been painting for about four years now. When I was little she worked with charcoal and pencil. I used to love to sit on the floor and go through her sketch books. I especially remember the mermaids. She has always had a natural talent and it's wonderful that she has polished it and is pursuing it so tenaciously.

I took pictures of her paintings when I visited her on Wednesday. They aren't the greatest quality photos, but I want to share them anyways.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Anonymous said...

Thanks Eryn!!!