Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I had not one, but TWO, wedding dreams last night. Ok, I confess, one was during my afternoon nap. Gimme a break, I was sick Monday.

In the first dream DJ from Full House was getting married. Her wedding was being televised as this 'dream wedding makeover' type deal. I remember that I wanted her dress, but the dress kept changing every time I saw it so it did not help me get any closer to choosing 'the one.' I also remember looking at her napkins like they were paint chips. She had plum, wine, copper, and deep teal. I looked at them for a long time in this dream and decided that I wanted those colors. Once awake I decided that the first three were pretty colors but I'm not so sure how they would look together.

The second dream was a little bit more traumatic. I dreamed that I went to the hairdresser for my final hairdo on the day of the wedding. The stylist chopped off all of my hair like they do in those overly dramatic makeover shows. It was cute but it wasn't my hair. I was SO upset! Anybody know what 'hair dreams' mean?


Peggy said...

Those dreams mean that you're getting sucked into the wedding vortex. Chill out! The wedding is supposed to be a celebration, not something to stress over. Plus it gives all your friends a chance for a really good party!

Eryn said...

Hee hee. I will try to keep your advice in mind. I have promised Wesley (and myself) that I wouldn't be a bridezilla, but I guess my subconscious didn't get the message!