Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stream of Conscience

Summertime. It's either go-go-go or STOP. I like the fall, when everything seems to amble along at a nice steady clop. This summer has been no exception. Life was full-speed-ahead until July 5th when everything came to a screeching halt and the only thing I had to look forward to for the month of July was getting shots at the Health Department and Tuesday night Pharmacology class.

A synopsis in stream of conscience form:
Heat. Planes. Distance. Episcopal General Convention. Gays. Women. Church. Food. Friends. U2charist. One campaign. Walking. Drinking. Motorcycles. Road trips. Packing. Moving. Left behind. Acceptance Letter. Nursing school. Year and a half. Vaccinations. Chicken Pox. Stethoscope. Violet. New home. Dishwasher. Never used. Brick courtyard. Heat. Fark. Pharmacology. Late night phone calls. Beach. Condo. Hurricane. Dancing. High heels. Sleep. Boredom. Solitude. Cat. Sewing Machine. Big Ideas. Coffee. Movies. Anticipation. Noel. Friends.