Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Anoles are one of my favorites species. They are so cute and quick. I've often kept them as temporary pets throughout the years before putting them back outside again. One of my favorite things to do with these gentle little guys is scare the bejeezus out of skiddish friends, classmates, and the occasional boss. All I have to do is walk in a room with one on my shoulder and some people will just freak right out. It's hilarious to see how quickly someone will jump into a chair upon seeing a reptile. The funny thing is, the chair becomes Much more dangerous to the person standing in it than the anole is. Yes, I'm cruel. I've come to accept this fact.

After many, many years of my tricks, karma finally caught up with me. I was laying in bed reading Ahab's Wife (a fantastic book by the way) when every time I moved I felt something odd move with me. I really didn't think much of it until it moved and I didn't. I threw back the covers and saw this little brown-grey blur running around on my bed. In my haste, it looked just like a mouse. It Was a mouse in my mind. So I jumped out of bed and squealed like a stuck pig. You would think I had seen a ghost. I think I even did a little dance for good measure.

And then I looked in my bed to see this very large, but ever so docile anole looking at me like I was a madwoman. Karma. In my bed.

The anole was promptly taken outside to find his own bed.


Peggy said...

I love lizards, geckos and snakes. I remember the Florida lizards. They move so fast you're not sure you've seen them.

Eryn said...

I knew we were kindred. :)