Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Yesterday morning I sat down at the kitchen table and scrawled a small note into a pretty green card with floral patterns. The card was my first official piece of wedding correspondence.

It was a thank you in response to the card Wesley's grandmother Margaret sent me. Hers spoke of good decisions, love, and luck. In it she welcomed me to the family. Mrs. Wesley is a Southern matriarch, a Grande Dame, if you will. Her elegance is unsurpassed, her love for her family unmatched. Reading her card, I felt like I was joining lineage with royalty. So I sent my gratitude.

Even though I didn't request it, the postman gave me the 'wedding stamp' to mail my card with. I think it is a sign of good luck. Don't you agree?


Peggy said...

When writing to some of my aunts, I learned early on you scored a few unspoken points if you addressed the envelope Mrs Robert so-and-so instead of using their first name. They really are very old fashioned in that way.

Eryn said...

Thanks for the hint Peggy. I addressed her as Mrs. Margaret Wesley, hopefully that will suffice this time. :)